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Friday 30 November 2012

Tricks to double sales.

How to use a little trick to double sales.

There are some examples of successful campaigns which allowed to improve sales of products significantly.


From the history of Timberland: In the early 1980s the company Timberland had the difficult times. It produced high quality pumps, whose price was lower than the industry leader, the company Topsiders. It seemed a good product and low price should have been working on them, but things did not go well. Then Timberland made a very simple solution: they raised their prices (they became even much higher than the price offered by the Topsiders). Sales rose sharply.  It confirms the accuracy of statement by David Ogilvy "The higher the price, the product becomes more desirable in the eyes of the buyer." The same method of "artificially inflating demand" is typically used by luxury-brands.


Once in the 1960s it was decided to throw two tablets of Alka-Seltzer in a glass of water in the advertisement (not one as before). Sales of the drug have increased exactly twice. This advertising trick was invented by agency ‘Tinker & Partners’.
The same analogy is used in the advertisement of chewing gum. Also there is a marketing tale that a brilliant marketer created the trick about necessity of washing hair twice (apply shampoo, then wash off and to apply it again). And all these ‘ double tricks’ work! Companies have double sales.


Tefal believed during the long time that the main motivation for buying Teflon-coated pans was the fact that cooking in these pans did not require using a single gram of oil. However, later it became clear that the main incentive for their purchase was the fact that such pans were very easy to clean, because the food does not stick to the surface. The  content of the advertising campaign was changed and such step significantly increased its effectiveness.

Harley- Davidson.

 Producer of the most famous bikes in the world holds first place in the number of "branded" tattoos. Everything it started with the fact that Harley announced impressive discounts on bikes for those who come to buy a motorcycle with a Harley Davidson logo tattoo. 

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